
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Engage Students with Kahoot!

One of my favorite new activities to do with my students using technology is Kahoot.

What is Kahoot?
Kahoot is a game-based learning classroom response system that can be used to assess students' knowledge in a fun, interactive way.  If you've ever used the CPS clickers (Classroom Performance System), then you'll love Kahoot because it is much more user friendly for both teachers and students and even more engaging.  And the best part is there's no pesky, temperamental flying saucer sensor for the students to aim at with their responses.  All you need is Internet access (wi-fi if using smart devices) and a computer/laptop/iPad/tablet/smart device per teacher and student/group.
No more clickers!

No more pesky, temperamental flying saucer sensor!

How do You Use Kahoot?
Teachers create a free account at, and then they can browse through a selection of quizzes made by other educators or create their own.  (For a step-by-step user guide, download our FREE Kahoot Teacher Guide.)  Once they've selected or created a quiz, it can be launched and projected for students to view and join from your computer/laptop/smart device.  To view an example of a Kahoot I created for my library, click here.

Students join the game by going to and entering the game pin on their computers, laptops, iPads, or other smart devices.  Students will proceed to answer a series of questions by selecting the shape on their screens that corresponds with the correct answer.  As students answer, Kahoot ranks students by their correct responses and how quickly they answer.  This makes the game highly competitive for students and even more fun!  At the end of play, teachers can choose to download the results to an excel spreadsheet in case they wish to monitor comprehension and/or give a grade. 

Why Should You Use Kahoot?
1. It's FREE!
2. It's EASY!
3. It's a TOOL for formative assessment!
5. It's FUN!

We hope you enjoy using Kahoot with your students.  If you have any questions or comments, please comment below or email us at  We look forward to hearing from you!

Watson Works

To download our FREE teacher user guide, select the image below and download.

Monday, September 22, 2014

First Day of Fall Frenzy - ONE DAY ONLY SALE

Happy Fall, Y'all!  

In southeast Texas, there are very few things better than the first day of Fall.  It's the first sign that we won't have to suffer from the near 100 degrees, near 100 percent humidity weather for much longer.  

In honor of this long awaited day, we are offering 7 our favorite "F" products from our store at freakishly low prices on Tuesday, September 23rd only:

1st Grade Phonics & Spelling: 
Lessons and Assessment Week 1 
$4 (reg. $8)

$0.50 each (reg. $1.25)
Froggy Goes to School

Froggy Learns to Swim

Froggy's First Kiss

$1 each (reg. $3/$4)
The 3 Little Pigs vs. The Three Little Pigs 
& the Somewhat Bad Wolf Mini-Unit

The Classic Three Little Pigs vs. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs Mini-Unit

$1 (reg. $3) 

 Find it in the Text! A Text Features Unit

We wish you all a HAPPY FALL!  We hope you enjoy the cooler weather and these fantastic deals! :)

~Heather & Ashley
Watson Works

Sunday, September 21, 2014

QR Code Listening Centers (Part 2) writing last week's post, How to Create a Listening Center Using the Audioboo App & QR Codes, we thought it might help to show you an example of one we made and give you a few extra tips to make it work in your class.

I LOVE the Froggy books by Jonathan London, so I created a FREE listening center card to accompany our Froggy Goes to School Sequencing Activity. (Please excuse my Texas twang...Haha!)  Click the picture on the right to download the listening center card for free.
Once you've printed/cut/laminated the listening center card, you should:
  1. Download a QR reader to the smart device(s) your students will be using in the listening center.
  2. Obtain a copy of Froggy Goes to School from your personal collection, school library, public library, local book store, or online, and place it in your listening center.
    • Suggested storage - Glue an index card sized library pocket on the inside cover of the book.  Place the listening center card inside the pocket.
  4. Place the smart device in your listening center, along with some headphones/earbuds (make sure the device is connected to the Internet).  If you'd like multiple students to listen to the story at the same time from the same device, consider purchasing a headphone splitter.
  5. Train students how to operate the smart device, QR reader, and the listening center.
Then, your students should:
  1. Scan the QR code using the QR reader on the smart device located in the listening center.
  2. Put on the headphones/earbuds.
  3. Press play and follow along with the book.  Note: A train "choo-choo" will sound to alert students to turn the page.
We hope you enjoy our free listening center card.  Comment below or email us at if you have any questions.  We'd love to hear from you!

Watson Works

Sunday, September 14, 2014

How to Create a Listening Center Using the Audioboo App & QR Codes

Thankfully, listening centers with cassette tapes are finally becoming a thing of the past!  Woohoo!  :)
For many, they’ve been replaced with smart devices and QR codes.  If you’re someone who has been curious about how to create your own listening center using QR codes, check out our FREE guide for using the FREE Audioboo app to record yourself reading a story and linking it to a QR code. 

*Note: The instructions provided are for iPad users, but the Audioboo app is also available for Android, Google Play, Windows, and other smart devices.

We hope this helps you revamp your listening centers this year! Email us at if you have any questions.

~Heather & Ashley
Watson Works

Friday, September 12, 2014


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Sunday, September 7, 2014

iPad Rules for the Elementary Classroom

If you're new to using iPads in your elementary classroom and are in need of some simple, easy to implement rules, check out our FREE resources.  These iPad rules are designed for elementary aged students and are perfect for the teacher, librarian, or other school personnel responsible for managing iPads in their classroom/school. 

*Click the images below to download our FREE resources.

iPad Rules Poster

iPad Rules Individual Poster Set

iPad Rules Contract

Have students sign this contract before using their iPads for the first time, and keep it on file in case an incident arises.

iPad Rules PowerPoint Presentation

iPad Rules Handout for PowerPoint

We hope these meet your needs and work well for you!  Comment below or email us at if you have any questions.

~Heather & Ashley