
Saturday, June 27, 2015

TPT Seller Challenge 2: Dare to Dream

We've been very inspired by this week's task of the #TPTSellerChallenge, Dare to Dream.  Not only did we have to sit down and really think about what our dreams are and what we want to accomplish, but we actually took the first step into making them happen.  Ashley quit her job to devote her time to Watson Works full-time.  This is a HUGE step, and it took a whole lot of courage for her to take this risk.  But, Walt Disney said it best when he said, "All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."  We're determined to make our dreams a reality.

Be our own bosses: With Ashley quitting her job, we've taken the first step to becoming our own bosses. We want our time to be devoted to fulfilling our own dreams, NOT the dreams of others. 

Make our own schedules: As a result of being our own bosses, we will be able to make our own schedules.  No more 7:30-3:30 / 8:00-5:00 jobs!  We'll live life according to our own schedules.  If we want to leisurely sip our coffee in the morning, cook breakfast, go to the gym, shop, or do whatever before we start working, we can do that because we make our own schedules. No more waiting until the summer vacation to sip our coffee or go to the bathroom whenever we want! :)

Live comfortably: We don't have to be filthy rich, but we want to be to the point where we can live comfortably without financial stress.  There are enough things in the world to cause stress and worry.  We don't want our finances to be one of those stressors anymore.  If we want to take a spontaneous weekend trip to the beach, we want to be able to do that.  If one of our family members or friends is in need, we want to be able to give to them without having to balance the checkbook first.  No more being broke and tired!  We want to live comfortably!

Travel the world: We all say we want to travel the world.  But who actually puts that dream into practice?  We don't want to just talk about traveling anymore.  We want to actually TRAVEL!  We only get one life, and we want to take every opportunity to see the world and make memories.

Give to others: Like I said before, by living comfortably and being financially set, we will be able to give to those in need - without balancing our checkbook - without worrying if we'll be able to pay our bills - without thinking, "Can we afford that?"  It is so true that "we make a life by what we give," and we want to be able to give abundantly so that we can live abundantly.

Help teachers & children: Since we started Watson Works, our ultimate vision has been to help teachers help children.  We want to create tools that help teachers provide kids with the knowledge and understanding of the state standards, while being fun and engaging at the same time.  We want every child, no matter their unique learning style, to be taught the necessary skills to confidently take the right steps forward to his/her future.  By doing this, we are helping to make a difference in the lives of students, teachers, and the world.  

Thanks again to the creators of the #TPTSellerChallenge for helping us focus our efforts and take the first steps to making our dreams come true!  
We are determined "to live the life of our dreams!"

Watson Works

1 comment:

  1. I think you said it best for all of us TpTers, we just want to help teachers help students!

    Sparkling in Second
